We are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity. As part of this commitment, we vehemently oppose all forms of forced labour, human trafficking, and modern slavery within our operations and supply chain. We believe in the inherent dignity and rights of all individuals and are dedicated to ensuring that our workforce and business partners adhere to these principles.

1. Prohibition of modern slavery

Incident Zero Pty Ltd (hereafter referred to as ‘Incident Zero’, ‘we’, ‘us’, or ‘our) strictly prohibits any form of forced labour, human trafficking, or modern slavery in all aspects of its operations. This includes but is not limited to practices such as debt bondage, involuntary servitude, and deceptive recruitment for labour or services.

2. Child labour

We do not tolerate any form of child labour. We ensure that all individuals employed by our company or engaged in our supply chain are of legal working age according to applicable local laws and international standards.

3. Ethical recruitment

We are committed to ethical recruitment practices and ensure that all recruitment processes, whether conducted internally or through third-party agencies, adhere to applicable laws and regulations. We do not engage in or condone any form of deceptive recruitment or labour exploitation.

4. Due diligence

Incident Zero Pty Ltd conducts due diligence assessments of all suppliers, contractors, and business partners to evaluate their compliance with this policy. We expect our suppliers and partners to share our commitment to preventing modern slavery within their own operations and supply chains.

5. Training and awareness

We provide training and awareness programs to our employees, suppliers, and relevant stakeholders to ensure understanding of this policy and recognition of the signs of modern slavery. We encourage the reporting of any concerns or suspicions regarding potential violations of this policy.

6. Non-retaliation

Incident Zero Pty Ltd prohibits retaliation against any individual who reports a suspected violation of this policy in good faith. We are committed to investigating all reports promptly and taking appropriate action against any confirmed instances of modern slavery.

7. Continuous improvement

We are dedicated to continuously improving our efforts to prevent modern slavery within our operations and supply chain. We regularly review and update this policy to reflect evolving best practices and legal requirements.

8. Responsibility

All employees, contractors, and agents of Incident Zero Pty Ltd are responsible for upholding this policy and ensuring compliance with its provisions. Senior management is responsible for providing leadership and resources to support the implementation of this policy across the organisation.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy or wish to report a suspected violation, please contact Ryan Hodder, CEO, using the contact details outlined below.

9. Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about this modern slavery policy, please contact us at:

Incident Zero Pty Ltd
Phone 1300 845 451
Address 23 June Street, Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2450, Australia

10. Effective date

This policy is effective 13 June 2024 and supersedes any previous versions.